5 min read

Sending Mails Using PHP With Mail Function

Today we are going to learn to send emails using PHP. Well, it's not that hard and basically, this post is designed as a beginner can understand it e...

10 min read

How to make CRUD In Laravel

Creating crud is the first step of starting with any backend framework or language. I will try to explain Laravel crud to you in very simple manner a...

4 min read

My Goal As A Laravel Developer - Pov

I wasn't sure that I should write something on this topic. But I couldn't stop myself because I'm a kind of confused person. Because I usually brains...

7 min read

service classes in laravel | Usable or Not?

A few days back I was working on a task that was written by some other developer. So, what he did there, just to show himself cool he wrote the crud...

2 min read

PHP String Functions: A Complete Guide

Are you working with strings in PHP and looking for ways to manipulate them? PHP provides a variety of built-in functions that can help you do just t...

4 min read

Create Dynamic Navbar Using PHP Mysql

As you might know that we use php to create dynamic web pages. Well, here we are going to create a dynamic navbar using php in which we obviously wil...

7 min read

Laravel Scheduler And Cron Job

In Laravel, the Scheduler is a component that allows you to define and schedule recurring commands or tasks to run automatically. You can use the Sch...