4 min read

How to Generate Pdf in PHP CodeIgniter

how to generate the pdf but my idea of showing the stuff will be different. What I'll do is, I'll use a text editor to type something and simple I'll show you how we would have a pdf after submit

Gurpreet Kait

Gurpreet Kait

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4 min read

How To Create Migration In CodeIgniter 4

Migrations makes easy to create tables in database and which helps to handle tables programmatically and obviously you don't need to learn about SQL statements to build a table. As I said when you do work with a team then you can easily modify tables and play with the database

Gurpreet Kait

Gurpreet Kait

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12 min read

Login and Register in CodeIgniter 4

If you are also learning CodeIgniter right now then you are on the right place today. Let's learn how we can create an authentication system in CodeI...

Gurpreet Kait

Gurpreet Kait

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6 min read

Searchable Input with Livewire

searchable input using livewire Hi, Gurpreet this side with some new stuff today. Let me tell you, what we will cover in this article. We will cre...

Gurpreet Kait

Gurpreet Kait

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6 min read

What Is The Concept Of OOP In PHP

OOP in PHP is a concept of doing code. There is two concept to go forward with any project in PHP. First is procedural concept and the second is...

Gurpreet Kait

Gurpreet Kait

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