Introduction to Vue’s Composition API for a Newbie

I’m a newbie to Vue.js, and as I was learning about its amazing features, I thought I should share all of this on my blog. Vue.js is a great and impressive framework. Initially, I found it easier to learn than React.js because it has a predefined structure that is more convenient and does not rely … Read more

Optimizing Vue Performance with Prop Stability

In Vue.js, the component will re-render whenever a child component’s props change. This simple concept leads us to a crucial best practice that can significantly enhance our app’s performance: prop stability. What is Prop Stability? Prop stability means keeping the props passed to a component stable, so they don’t change frequently. This helps to avoid … Read more

Single Responsibility Principle In PHP (SRP)

Since I started programming never cared about SOLID PRINCIPLES that much. Because I wasn’t aware of all these things. I started by watching YouTube videos and maybe because of that it wasn’t mentioned by anyone. But now, when I’m exploring a few open-source projects and learning day by day to improve myself. I’m thinking about … Read more

SQL Joins with Laravel Eloquent

I was going through a LinkedIn post in which someone explained the SQL Joins. Let’s let “artisans” know how we use them with the medium of Laravel Eloquent. In the realm of databases, SQL joins are key tools for pulling related data from various tables. If you’re a Laravel developer, you can make your life … Read more

Troubleshooting MySQL Unexpected Shutdowns on Production

Experiencing an unexpected MySQL shutdown on a production server can be a nightmare, especially if your Laravel application relies heavily on database operations. This blog post will explore common reasons behind MySQL crashes and provide practical steps to diagnose and fix these issues. 1. Insufficient Memory Cause: MySQL requires a certain amount of memory to … Read more