Introduction to Vue’s Composition API for a Newbie

I’m a newbie to Vue.js, and as I was learning about its amazing features, I thought I should share all of this on my blog. Vue.js is a great and impressive framework. Initially, I found it easier to learn than React.js because it has a predefined structure that is more convenient and does not rely … Read more

Optimizing Vue Performance with Prop Stability

In Vue.js, the component will re-render whenever a child component’s props change. This simple concept leads us to a crucial best practice that can significantly enhance our app’s performance: prop stability. What is Prop Stability? Prop stability means keeping the props passed to a component stable, so they don’t change frequently. This helps to avoid … Read more

Getting Ready for ReactJS: Must-Know JavaScript Basics

Hey there! Ready to dive into ReactJS? Awesome! But first, let’s make sure you’ve got a solid grasp of some key JavaScript concepts. They’re like building blocks for ReactJS. Let’s jump in! Let’s see what concepts you should be aware of before starting into reactJs. ES6 Features Imagine JavaScript as a superhero with new powers … Read more