Login and Register in CodeIgniter 4

login and register in codeIgniter

If you are also learning CodeIgniter right now then you are on the right place today. Let’s learn how we can create an authentication system in CodeIgniter 4. This is the latest version of CodeIgniter in which we are going to build login and register functionality in CodeIgniter. CodeIgniter is a very basic framework as … Read more

Searchable Input with Livewire

searchable input using livewire

Hi, Gurpreet this side with some new stuff today. Let me tell you, what we will cover in this article. We will create a searchable input in which we can search records using livewire and with that we can show the records in dropdown. What I am gonna use to make this stuff. I will … Read more

What Is The Concept Of OOP In PHP

oop in php in a sequence.png

OOP in PHP is a concept of doing code. There is two concept to go forward with any project in PHP. First is procedural concept and the second is Object Oriented Programming so almost it’s depends on choice. But initially if you are new to PHP or in programming though, you should have a look … Read more

How to Use A Bar Chart in PHP

how to use bar chart in php

Today we are going to learn how we can use Bar chart with php in our application or wherever you want to use it. When we do use charts to some short of values like sales chart, purchase chart, profit chart and activity chart etc. Then we have many options like there are many libraries … Read more

How to Work With A Fiverr/Upwork Client

how to work on fiverr with client

If you are already a freelancer, or thinking about to start freelancing then you should consider these points before starting as a freelancer on freelance sites. First of all I would say that I am going to write about how you should start a project from very beginning with a client on Fiverr or may … Read more